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Globetrotters, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Sunny walk, oil on canvas,40x60cm
Violinist, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
The blue hour, oil on canvas, 80x100cm
Trendsetters, oil on canvas, 76x101cm
Sea Breeze, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
There is no time like now, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
The model, oil on canvas, 30x30cm
The Place, acrylics and oil on canvas, 90x90cm
Connections, oil on canvas, 100x100cm
#metoo, collage and oil on canvas, 100x100cm
Girls not brides, oil on canvas, 30x30cm
Girls not brides, oil on canvas, 30x30cm
Reading time, charcoal drawing, 50x50cm
Freedom, oil painting, 62x24cm
Walking the dogs, oil painting, 62x24cm
Yellow dress, oil painting, 62x24cm
Red dress, oil painting, 62x24cm
Walking, oil painting, 62x24cm
Youth, oil painting, 62x24cm
Sunny shade, oil painting, 62x24cm
The Thinker, oil painting, 62x24cm
Me and my dog, oil painting, 62x24cm
Out of the Blue, oil on canvas, 62x24 cm
On the catwalk, oil painting, 62x24cm,
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